Thursday, July 28, 2011


A little art work from Grace! Thank goodness for magic erasers!

A trip down to Yachats to visit with the inlaws! 

Sofie loses another tooth!

Bubble time!
Wow! It's hard to believe how fast time flies! 

We haven't had much of a summer with the off and on rain this year. We have had a few good days of sun in the 80's. 

The kids are enjoying their time outside when they can. Bubble play, water play, biking, and trampolining!

Nicholas is home from school. We hardly ever see him. He's working and playing, enjoying his summer with his girlfriend Kate. 
We are keeping Mom busy while we are working with our very determined and creative daughters! I can't believe how much they both have grown! Michal and I have put our relationship a priority since we have been working opposite shifts. I am enjoying our "date" nights weekly and the kids are having a blast having one on one time! 

We are both trying to live our lives "Cherishing Ordinary Moments"

In our most ordinary days we have moments of happiness, moments of comfort and enjoyment, moments of seeing something that pleased us, something that touched us, moments of contacting the tenderness of our hearts. We can take joy in that. I find that it’s essential during the day to actually note when I feel happiness or when something positive happens, and to begin to cherish those moments as precious. Gradually we can begin to cherish the preciousness of our whole life just as it is, with its ups and downs, its failures and successes, its roughness and smoothness.

Pema Chodron-  from her book Taking a Leap