Friday, August 20, 2010

Yachats Oregon

We are having the most wonderful time at the coast. We don't want to go back. I don't want to go back to work! This IS the LIFE of FORTUNE! Sofie brought her best friend Kayleigh with her for the week and Nick brought his girlfriend Kate. Michal and I have been spending much needed time together reconnecting and enjoying our family. We had a nice visit from Papa John and Gma Suzi. We have been walking the beach, climbing rocks, reading, but mostly chillaxing!
Happy 18th Birthday Nick!
Making Sushi
Webkinz's daddy!


  1. Great pictures! I'm glad you are having such a good time!

  2. Suzy-I love these pictures. So glad you are able to take time off and be away from your "working life," to enjoy your family:)

